Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tinnitus Causes And Cures: Curing Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a condition where a ringing or a loud noise can be heard in one or both ears. The sound is usually described as unpleasant and can occur as a continuous noise or as an intermittent interruption. Tinnitus is not a disease but rather a symptom of an underlying medical condition which needs attention. Statistics reveal that approximately 44 million people suffer from the condition. Globally, 17% of the world's population report having tinnitus.

Anyone can have the condition, however, the incidence of tinnitus becomes more prevalent with age. Arteries which have hardened and hearing loss, usually due to wear on the biology as a result of aging, can increase the likelihood of tinnitus. Individuals who work or spend a lot of time amongst loud noises are also at a greater risk of becoming tinnitus sufferers. There are many factors which need to be considered when looking into tinnitus causes.

There are two forms of diagnosable tinnitus which will be outlined below. These are known as objective tinnitus and subjective tinnitus.

Objective tinnitus means that a sound is heard by the suffer and the diagnostic professional (through the use of a stethoscope over the patient's auditory canal, for example). Possible tinnitus causes for the objective distinction are altered blood flow or increased blood turbulence near the ear.

Subjective tinnitus causes are explained by excessive exposure to loud noises. Subjective tinnitus can also result from an excessive intake of medicines - especially, but not limited to, aspirin.

There are muscles attached to the two bones within the middle ear. These muscles work in harmony to protect the inner ear from loud noises. The muscles contract and spasm which causes a clicking noise often linked to an objective tinnitus diagnosis. Other possible causes may include pulsing arterial blood flow (in the neck or jugular veins), blood vessel hyperactivity, or fluid pressure which has built up around the brain or spinal cord. One purported theory suggests that the brain may even construct it's own noise as a substitute for a loss in audible signals. This substituted noise may then be interpreted as the ringing noise associated with tinnitus.

The condition known as Meniere's disease is met with bouts of dizziness and hearing loss in one or both ears.

Where there are biological defects in the auditory canal, X-Rays, MRI scans or CT scans may be useful in determining the origin of the tinnitus. Other tests, such as audiograms, evoked response audiometry, tinnitus pitch and loudness matches, maskability, and residual inhibition may also be useful in ascertaining hearing ability, and in measuring the intensity and magnitude of tinnitus.

In extreme cases of tinnitus, surgery may be undertaken to divide the auditory nerve and decrease the audible noise. Relaxation training, yoga or meditation, hypnosis, or acupuncture are techniques that are equally worth looking into.

The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People Reverse Their Ear Ringing Using Holistic Medicine

1 comment:

  1. 1.An effective Home Remedy for tinnitus would be to put 20-40 mg of Maidenhair tree extract inside the ears.
    2.For people who suffer from tinnitus because of loud noise, the best option would be to wear ear plugs.
    3.When suffering from tinnitus, it is advisable to avoid saturated fats, processed foods, sugar and salts.
    4.Coffee, tea, sweet foods and refined alcohol, all add to the tinnitus problem. It is advisable to avoid these foods and beverages.
    5.Include lots of fruits and vegetables, garlic, kelp and sea vegetables in your diet. Have food rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E, zinc and choline.
    6.Mix a tsp each of salt and glycerin in a pint of warm water. Use this liquid as a nasal spray, spraying it in each nostril until the solution drains to the throat.
    7.Exercising regularly is a good way to tackle tinnitus problem.
    8.Wearing earplugs is a good way to cure tinnitus at home. The earplugs can be of any variety, such as rubber, foam or moldable wax ones.
    9.Have lots of fresh pineapple, as it reduces the inflammation in your ear, thereby curing tinnitus.
    10.Chewing dry fruits helps enhance the blood circulation, thereby acting beneficially in solving tinnitus.
    11.Taking hot and cold foot baths, alternatively, proves effective in treating tinnitus.
